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Devotionals on Integrity

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Devotionals on Integrity

What truly makes a gift valuable? Is it the cost or the thought that counts? In Luke 21, Jesus taught his disciples a valuable lesson about giving,...

Am I the only one God is dealing with to break the habit of procrastination? When you examine your life, do you recognize things that you are putting...

The promises of God are precious, and we count on Him to keep them. As Jesus said, we ought just to keep our word rather than make vows, but that...

Have you experienced a betrayal in your life? There’s no worse feeling than believing someone is in your “circle”, your friend group, your support...

What would cause God to be opposed to us? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE...

As lawlessness increases in our culture, we are called upon by God to make a choice—and take a stand for the Lord when someone asks us to compromise...

We cannot judge what we speak merely by the words themselves, but by the spiritual wisdom from which the words are spoken. James uses some pretty...

Veterans Day is more than a date on the calendar—it’s a day to honor the real heroes behind the uniform. Through the story of a Virginia soldier,...

Philippians 2:5 focuses on how Jesus Himself would behave in the world rather than just asking what He would do. He knew what His future held but He...

Have you ever received a package that was sent to you in error? When God sends you a gift, it's not to be returned to the Sender even if you are...


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