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Devotionals on Jesus

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Devotionals on Jesus

Noise alerts are those noises that help us live well, that could mean little things like our alarm clocks or the sound of the microwave telling us...

What if you knew that Jesus Christ, your Savior, was returning in just three days? This devotion takes you on a journey through this profound...

Does your soul need rest today? Are you weary of doing good? Some say they don't know why they are doing good when evil is around them—it would be...

Thoughtful acts of service don't have to be huge. Through humility and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can daily offer ourselves in service...

In the journey of life, there are moments that mark our growth and transformation, much like a child's first steps. Just as parents cherish the sight...

Through a heartwarming personal experience, this author tells of her recent adventure of reaching others with the Good News of Jesus Christ....

It is easy to live a life focused on pleasing others. However, this never satisfies. Often, we push pleasing God aside because of an incorrect view...


At times, our past experiences can linger in our minds, causing us to doubt whether the freedom promised by Christ is truly attainable. Speaking,...

God chooses us—plain, ordinary vessels—to reveal His glory and power to the world. But to live out our purpose as that vessel, we must yield to Him,...


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