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Devotionals on Judging Others

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Devotionals on Judging Others

Forgiveness might be one of the most difficult things for people to walk in fully. Whether it's something small like a disagreement or a lifelong...

The story of Jonah and the whale is often one you're taught as a child. But as an adult, the idea of a grown man being swallowed by a whale and...

In a time of unprecedented polarization, this piece challenges Christians to examine their hearts, let go of worldly judgments and divisive group...

You can be at the right place, doing the right thing, and still someone may misunderstand your actions. The Bible records three times that Mary, the...

People may attempt to define you based on your past, but your heavenly Father doesn't categorize you in that manner. He understands you intimately...

Judgement can sneak up on you, and before you know it you are making assumptions about other people’s hearts. In the author’s life, God uses this...

God created rest because He loves us. The world has set a different standard for what rest means, and how we should operate day to day. Our...

Have you ever looked down on others? Or for whatever reason, thought you were better than, or superior to, other people? Everything we do comes down...

Have you ever been in an awkward situation, where you had to decide whether to take a stand for what you believed or go along with the crowd? Being...

Being a good person doesn't necessarily mean you're a good Christian. The path to righteousness takes time and intention to walk. It begins with...


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