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Devotionals on Parenting

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Devotionals on Parenting

Words have more power than we often realize. What we say can impact someone's life more than we could ever imagine. It can be an insult or a blessing...

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to cry out to the Lord with everything you have? I remember it like it was yesterday. Crying out and...

We live in a world where suffering seems all too familiar to many of us. We can learn and apply many truths and healing principles to our lives by...

No matter how long we’ve been Christians, God can’t fully be Father to us until we fully grab onto what it is to be His sons and daughters — children...

How do you think it ended up after watching his daughter receive a deliberate blow to her nose in her basketball game? Hear this dad's revelation as...

Words spoken in anger or emotion can never be fully taken back. So, that is why we should choose words carefully, remembering that what we speak can...

Even our family and friends may enjoy playing pranks or tricking us for fun. While their intentions may be harmless, it's restful to meditate on the...

God can feel so distant sometimes. However, when we recognize that His omnipresent Spirit is all around us, we can rest in the knowledge of His ever-...

Have you ever wanted the Lord to punish someone who mistreated you? Or perhaps experienced road rage?

Children are a gift, a blessing from God. Do you think God sees you in this way?


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