Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Patience

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Devotionals on Patience

We’re encouraged to pray continuously, yet it’s understandable to feel weary at times, especially after long nights of contemplation. As we embrace...

Unyielding faith and patient perseverance are on display in this devotional inspired by Matthew 7:7-8. Join the author, as she candidly shares the...

Waiting can be one of the hardest seasons we can find ourselves in. Waiting for test results, for opportunities, for God to answer prayers. And it...

Waiting for His promises is not always as easy as we want, but it will always be rewarding. What I have learned after all these years is that my...

Patience can be hard! Patient trust in the Lord is worth it, though ... and possible. There are seasons when we all may struggle with trusting His...

What is the common link between a pineapple and the Holy Spirit? The author pondered the same question and shares a new revelation about a common...

Read about the humorous side of impatience and some valuable lessons learned through surrendering to God's timing. Together, we can uncover the...

Life's challenges can test your patience and make it seem easier to take control of situations yourself. By keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus during...

Just as great Christian writers found inspiration during difficult times, you can too. Surrender, and let God reveal a deeper understanding of Jesus...

Just as consistent exercise helps our physical health, daily time in God's Word strengthens us in the Spirit. Whether we are soaring high in our...


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