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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Peace

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Devotionals on Peace

When I was headed for a collision, Jesus climbed into my red car and it stopped spinning out of control. No matter what situation we may find...

Day 16: Be Anxious for Nothing

God’s Word consistently reminds us not to worry or be afraid. However, when life gets difficult, “don’t worry” can feel easier said than done....

It's safe to say conflict can be common in our relationships, but so is reconciliation. It's difficult to hear the voice of God or spend quality...

If ever there was a life experience that taught me the meaning of reconciliation, learning the Hebrew language was it—even if it was only to function...

The enemy thought he got the win when he manipulated Adam and Eve into sin and caused the downfall of mankind. So many times, circumstances and...

Books provide a pleasant escape from reality for many of us. This author's passion for a certain type of novel led to the Lord's conviction in her...

Are you so busy and driven that relaxation feels like wasted time? Jesus has given you permission—a welcoming invitation—to rest! After all, it’s...

How do we hold onto the peace God gives us when chaos is swirling around us? Keeping our focus on Jesus is not easy in a turbulent world, but it is...

Waiting for His promises is not always as easy as we want, but it will always be rewarding. What I have learned after all these years is that my...


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