Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Purpose

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Devotionals on Purpose

Circumstances that involve loss, unfair treatment, illness, or broken relationships are the wilderness places God uses to shape, refine, and carve...

Many are familiar Samson and Delilah's story, but was it really Samson’s hair that made him strong? Discover more about this famous Bible story and...

Looking for inspiration and guidance in your faith journey? Look no further than the life of Saint Patrick, the man behind the holiday we celebrate...

Adoption is a beautiful thing and a powerful picture of who God is. In Ephesians, Paul tells us that adoption was not a Plan B. God actually had it...

Day 38: Freedom with Purpose

Day 39: Operating in Freedom

Day 41: The Applause

Day 42: Not My Will

Day 9: The Pitfalls of Empty Fasting 

Day 20: Serve Not Be Served


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