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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Salvation

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Devotionals on Salvation

There's only one way into heaven and it might not be what you think.

When people mention god, it doesn't mean they are speaking of the God of the Bible.

No matter what may be happening in our lives, we can know that we are His children. 

What we pay for something reflects its value to us. It is the same with Almighty God.

Getting a speeding ticket can be costly, but not always.

Until we are in the presence of the Lord, we will never know for sure who has accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Americans of all ages look to our flag with pride. Another set of stars and stripes constitutes our yearly celebration of independence as well.

Even an old ragged football jersey can be a reminder of the sacrifice our Lord Jesus made for us on the cross.

God's love for us never quits and never gives up on any of us.

People who know me now would have a hard time believing who I once was.


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