Christian Living

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Devotionals on Salvation

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Devotionals on Salvation

God understands that we sometimes lose our way in the rough seas of life, causing us to feel overwhelmed and bewildered.

I alternated between asking people if they had seen a little girl in a purple swimsuit and begging God to protect Mira and bring her back safely.

Our faith is the sole reason for our triumph over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Today, we can each choose to walk in life or death. The kind of people we are is determined by the ultimate choice we make.

You've been offered the trip of a lifetime, and not only that, it's a free trip to a majestic location. Have you confirmed your reservation?

God is searching diligently for you and longs for you to return to Him. 

For those who want to know more about Jesus, Paul’s words to the Colossian church offer the best description of Him in Scripture.

It's beginning to feel a bit like Fall. The cool breezes of autumn cause us to reach for our favorite sweater, as we step outdoors to take a brisk...

Brand new white canvas sneakers are one of my favorite memories from childhood. They nearly glimmered and I tried desperately to keep them white...

We searched and searched, trying to find the right house, and we always came up empty.


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