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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Temptation

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Devotionals on Temptation

Don't expect carrying out God's will to be easy. Trials and temptations still enter the lives of those who believe Jesus Christ died for their sins...

Day 4: Jesus’ 40-Day Fast in the Wilderness: The Last Temptation

Day 5: Reflections

Day 2: Jesus’ 40-Day Fast in the Wilderness: Satan Tempts the Physical Nature

Day 3: Jesus’ 40-Day Fast in the Wilderness: Satan Tests Authority

I once heard someone say that testings will last as long as it takes to change our mind, attitude, and actions. Let's face it: we don't like...

Life is full of choices; everyone is familiar with the expression “angel on one shoulder, devil on the other." Everyone knows that making wise...

Samson. So many epic tales and adventures, so many triumphs and tragedies wrapped up in that one name. Whatever you might remember about this story,...

On the surface, it may seem like a personal struggle with some mental or physical area of weakness. That’s what Satan would love for you to think.

Whatever you do, don't let your dire situation present a stumbling block to your belief in Jesus Christ.


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