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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on respect

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Devotionals on respect

God doesn't look at His creation and criticize it. He loves what He made, and that includes you. So, why is it that so many people fail to see...

Do you ever find yourself thanking God for the big things He does in your life but never stopping to think about all the little tiny things He does...

What this author's grandmother chose to do boggles the mind. In their senior years, she took care of her ex-husband in her home before he passed. She...

The one word that comes to mind when I think of July 4th is FREEDOM.

Jesus lived the best example of being a friend. What can you do to show your friendship to Him?

Thankfulness is like a light in a dark world. 

Voluptuous blonde actresses and famous well-built athletes: What do they have in common besides million-dollar salaries?

People pleasers never end up as God pleasers. We often make the mistake of trying to win the Lord’s approval by how we perform before man.

It would be good to do a heart-check to make sure our worship is in the right place.

This little washcloth represents the way God shows us to live in relationship with one another in the Body of Christ.


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