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Videos on Christmas

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Videos on Christmas

Josh and Jacob had to learn to lean on each other and their grandmother through their mother's drug-addicted haze.

Gordon Robertson shares the joys of the season by reading the Christmas story from the Bible and by lighting up the beautiful Founders Inn.

When was Jesus' birthday? How can I help my grandson whose parents are divorcing? How can I please God and my husband?

Food Network host Sandra Lee provides easy tips for making your holiday table festive and fun.

The author cooks up some holiday delights that won't stretch your waistline.

Give the holidays that homemade touch. The Food Network's Sandra Lee shares her secrets to a happy and healthy holiday meal.

The holidays will be special for many needy children this year thanks to VeggieTales and Operation Christmas Child.

Recently, 700 Club producer Michelle Wilson joined author and home decorator Moll Anderson to demonstrate holiday trimming tips made affordable.

Moll Anderson prepares some easy and beautiful holiday desserts including cranberry upside down cake, snowballs and more.

It has Santa Claus, horse-drawn carriage rides, candied apples and Christmas lights. Also, Pat Robertson reads the Christmas story.


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