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Videos on Failure

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Videos on Failure

Famed skater Scott Hamilton redefines winning and discusses the value of failure.

Jessica made sure her life looked perfect on the outside, but deep down she knew she needed help to escape the addiction that threatened to ruin her...

Just as Israel did not drive out Canaanites as God commanded, but mixed with them instead, we too hold onto our deep-rooted sin in disobedience - but...

Musician, TV star and former NBA player Ben Tankard discusses living a life of hope and purpose in Christ, and learning through failure.

Amy idolized her "perfect" marriage, but was blindsided when her husband left one day and never came home. Feeling like a failure, she knew she had...

Tammie knew she was meant for more, but couldn't rise above the shame of drugs, "stripping", and failure.

When a failed business forces George back home to live with his parents, depression, anxiety and shame become his identity. Isolated in his man-made...

Living far from family can be lonely, but giving thanks can be shared wherever you are.

Aaron and Sabrina couldn’t afford groceries. Then Aaron made a revolutionary financial move that caused his business to have, as he describes it,...

Terry hated his father, struggled in school, and soon sought comfort in the wrong places. When he was given a chance to turn his life around, he...


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