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Videos on Hope

Roger hopped on his daughter’s horse only to have it rear up, fall on him, and split his body. The entire town prayed for his recovery and through...

While working toward a chance in the Major Leagues, Daniel Ponce De Leon was struck in the temple, fracturing his skull. With the possibility his...

Harry Connick Jr. wrote, performed, and produced “Alone With My Faith,” which reveals his personal faith in a season of isolation.

Benny DiChiara, lead singer of Christian rock band “Empowered,” had a serious fall that led to two skull fractures and bleeding in the brain....

Tarrant, of the Blackfoot Confederacy, reached the finish line in life after becoming ensnared in alcohol addiction and gambling. Find out how this...

After being on the reality television show “Survivor,” Anna hit an all-time low until she remembered a supernatural experience.

Dan Gable shares how setbacks and faith were integral to him winning an Olympic gold medal, coaching other Olympians, and being honored with a...

An abusive relationship in high school left Alexis with troubling thoughts that eventually developed into severe mental illnesses. Learn more about...

Kathy struggled with a terrible stomach pain that continued even after surgery, yet everything changed when she turned on The 700 Club and Pat...

Jason’s drug and sex addiction kept him from being a father to his children and eventually led him to the brink of suicide, so what was revealed to...


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