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Videos on Salvation

After Tree's father died, she gave up college so she could take care of her mother. She craved success to make up for her past, but after tragedy...

Maura was raised surrounded by the occult, and looked to spirits for wisdom and direction. Though she felt their power, she felt hopeless and empty....

Andrew became a cop as an outlet for his aggression and anger. When he couldn't take it anymore, he decided to have a rooftop showdown with God—and...

Olympic Gold Medalist in diving, David Boudia knew there had to be more than fame and riches. He shares how his heart changed after the 2008 games.

Emily longed for approval and acceptance and as a college student she dabbled in false religions.

Nate desperately longed for a family, but after his parents divorced he tried to fill the void with thrill-seeking, partying, and money. But when his...

Verna loved the power, prestige, and money that came with being a stripper and a drug dealer. Having silenced her conscience with drugs and alcohol,...

Gordon Robertson teaches the fundamentals of what it means to be "born again."

Tracy Edmond was once a hard-core gangster connected to the Colombian drug cartel, but no matter how hard he tried to earn power and respect, he was...


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