Displaying 33 - 48 of 144

Dutch Sheets, author of Authority in Prayer, teaches us how to pray in the coming days for the body of Christ, the nation, and the world.

I need help understanding how my annuity works. What's your advice on buying a foreclosed home? Should I make different financial decisions based on...

John and Carol Arnott will discuss having the power of God manifest without sacrificing godly order.

Naomi Britton chose heaven instead of hell, but that was as far as it went.

Wiley Peterson's been rated third in the world of professional bull riding. His faith in Christ has kept him focused.

Oasis Worship Centre in Nashville sponsors an outreach called PEAK, which stands for Putting Everything Aside for the King.

Fitness expert discusses staying healthy and how to boost metabolism, reduce the waistline and keep fitness fun with 12-minute workouts.

If Iran attacks before Obama takes office, who is responsible - Bush or Obama? My Boss hasn't paid me in a month. What do I do?

My wife and I are pushing 50, is it too late to start an exercise program? Are there traces of drugs in our drinking water? How can I bring up my...

After three heart surgeries, Robert Tisdale wasn't prepared for the shock of seeing his home destroyed by Hurricane Ike. But thanks to Operation...

This Nashville church is being honored for their youth step team outreach, which keeps urban kids off the streets.

Jeremy Benson grew up knowing hard times and hopelessness. By the time he was 16, he was playing a dangerous game with his life.

Kim used to be a size 22. Now she's trim and author of the book MoneyWise Weight Loss.

I will retire next year. Should I withdraw money from my 401k?

Victoria is committed to helping women, children and families discover their purpose and reach their highest potential in Christ.

For four years Rosanti of Indonesia was practically blind. But when she got free cataract surgery courtesy of Operation Blessing, Rosanti could see...


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