Displaying 1 - 16 of 697

Israel destroys more Gaza tunnels. Seas damage Gaza’s U.S.-built aid pier. Jewish and Christian university students visit Israel to see war’s impact...

Spain and Norway recognize a Palestinian state; Nikki Haley says Israel is fighting America’s enemies. Jonathan Tobin on delegitimizing Israel by...

Israel vows no power on earth can stop it from defending itself. Decades of UNWRA education for hatred revealed in new film. Son of Holocaust...

Israel fights war crimes accusations. What will sudden death of Iranian President mean for Middle East? A warning to the U.S. and the West about the...

From war in Gaza to legal battles at The Hague to intensifying Hezbollah conflict, Israel fights on multiple fronts. Former hostages’ testimonies for...

Israel turns 76, marks solemn Memorial Day while at war. Miracle Israel - tiny nation turned world power. Israel’s birth prophesied long ago. Many...

Netanyahu says Israel can fight with it’s fingernails if Biden limits ammunition for deeper Rafah attack: Is Gaza death toll being used as propaganda...

After months of waiting Israeli tanks roll into Rafah. Hamas allegedly agrees to a deal to pressure Israel; and those who lost sons and daughters in...

Israel poised to enter Rafah, but still no hostage deal. Who’s behind anti-Israel protests on U.S. college campuses? Before Holocaust Remembrance Day...

Dr. Michael Widlanski on Iran's race for nuclear weapons, Yigal Carmon on Iran's strategy toward Jordan. Iranian-American Hooman Khalili celebrating...

Israel prepares to enter Rafah. Rachel Goldberg brings the plight of the hostages to world leaders, Chris and John Waage discuss Hamas' strategy to...

Rabbi Yitchok Adlerstein on celebrating Passover 2024. Julie Stahl, Chris Mitchell talk about hostages not at the Seder table...

Israel strikes military targets in Iran, Syria...

Israel says it will respond to Iran's attack...

The IDF prepares to retaliate if Iran strikes, Hezbollah's new weapons capabilities, David Friedman's proposal for a one-state solution and Israeli-...

Benjamin Netanyahu remains committed to a Rafah invasion, analysis from Jonathan Conricus on the pullout in S. Gaza. Hostage families' painful wait...


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