Displaying 9537 - 9552 of 12892

William Branch had an inappropriate relationship with one of his church members. His wife Michelle explains how they were able to salvage their...

A homeless man gets a second chance after a group of Christians model the love of God. Plus, hockey star Mike Fisher experiences a miraculous healing...

This NHL star, and husband to Country Music's Carrie Underwood, shares how God uses a prayer on the 700 Club to heal an inner-ear infection.

Frank and Leslie had failing careers and over $150,000 of debt. With their marriage also failing, they needed to act fast. See where they found the...

Robert Porter was an angry and hate-filled man, but The 700 Club helped open his eyes to a better future. Plus, former Major Leaguer Curt Schilling...

Major League pitcher Curt Schilling and his wife Shonda found their greatest challenge raising their son who has Asperger's Syndrome.

CBN TV progams began airing in Indonesia in 1998. Indonesians' strong response has birthed five tv programs to date.

A renowned artist depicts Christianity in murals. For more information about Ron's artwork, go to: www.ResurrectionMural.com .

Mutual marriage infidelity and financial hardship put the Layton's relationship on shaky ground and set the stage for God to intervene

Claudina's husband works construction and has had trouble finding steady work in this down economy. She relies on this Operation Blessing supported...

Gifted sculptor Gil Amelio recreates the final moments of Jesus' life and the sacrifice that changed eternity. Plus, when Esther discovered she had...

When tests showed little Esther had Sickle Cell Anemia, her mother feared the worst. But the child’s faith was stronger than any disease. Be...

Riva Tims shares the betrayal she experienced after her husband Zachary Tims committed adultery. Plus, Chairman of Interstate Batteries Normal Miller...

Riva shares the betrayal she experienced after her husband committed adultery and the church subsequently shunned her.

Norman Miller, the Chairman of Interstate Batteries, shares his story of overcoming alcoholism and finding faith in Jesus Christ.

Revisit a CBN Classic moment with Gil Amelio's, The Face of Christ sculpture and hear Kari Jobe sing The Revelation Song.


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