Displaying 33 - 48 of 14307

Erron’s hernia left him in constant pain. He was barely able to move or eat. His parents earned so little money that they couldn’t afford the surgery...

Roy’s mother abandoned him when he was 3 years old. He lived on the street before he was rescued and sent to live at an unusual place. Can you...

Chris and Karen are grandparents and educators. They’ve found a tremendous tool for helping kids solve real-world problems—CBN Animation’s Superbook...

Michele and her husband, George, saw their incomes triple and double respectively. Michele learned to trust God instead of her paycheck and the...

Zixian’s heart condition left her frail and weak with high fevers and infections. Her family could not afford surgery to help her. They could only...

Thousands of Israelis have been displaced from their homes since the Hamas attack. Little ones especially lived in fear and confusion. See how you...

Rebecca Jone’s life consisted of drugs and alcohol after an abortion at 16 until a community of people introduced her to love, healing and...

After a hurricane hit, the Bagwell family found out their insurance wouldn’t cover $10,000 in clean-up costs. Kymberly’s husband was working 50...

Eight-year-old Tristan offered food and burned incense to idols with his Buddhist family. He never understood what it meant. One day after seeing a...

For 365 days a year, Dinga walked while carrying buckets of contaminated water for her children and the livestock. If the first well was dry, her...

Katrina worked two jobs while finishing her training to care for children with special needs. Sometimes, it was a choice between paying bills and...

Bob and Faith decided when they first married to follow an important financial principle. That was 65 years ago, and that decision has led to...

Anatoly and Luba heard a whistling sound nearby—so they dropped everything and ran to a safe room with their children. Moments later, a Hamas rocket...

Jason carried $100,000 of debt and felt as though he could barely breathe. That’s when he followed a life-changing principle that led to a debt-free...

Young Lihaos had a hole in his heart that left him breathless and in severe pain. Friends told him about Jesus, and Lihaos asked the Lord to heal his...

Tammy faithfully stuck to a financial principle that had brought her peace. Little did she know God would give her a new, creative idea that would...


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