Displaying 3569 - 3584 of 3790

Signs of the Times week continues on The 700 Club with another Pat Robertson Teaching on Matthew 24, and we hear an amazing story of survival during...

A special week of programming begins on The 700 Club as we take a look at, Signs of the Times: How Will It All End?

The school bells are about to start ringing again and author Paul Coughlin provides tips on how to help our children react to bullying, and see how...

Signs of The Times week continues on the 700 Club as Pat examines Biblical prophecies that have been used to explain the 'end times,' and the so-...

Miss United States 2011 Ashley Smith joins us to share her story of faith, and Nancy Dunn's harrowing experience of being raised by a practicing...

John McLemore joins us to share great food ideas and how cuisine brings families together, and Eric Earhart had little knowledge or interest in God...

Amy Jewett Sampson talks about raising young children. A man is incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit. CBN News reports on Arizona immigration...

Ray Charles's daughter performs live and shares her testimony. A man finds Christ in prison. CBN News reports on the oil spill.

On today's show we meet Nick Vujicic a quadraplegic from birth sharing the gospel with the world. Also Gordon and Terry prepare Chicken with Lemon...

Caleb Quaye was the lead guitarist for several major bands, yet in the midst of all that music he heard a still small voice. Also, we get financial...

Cinncinnati Bengal Ben Utecht talks about his rise to Super Bowl fame. Also, a boy born without eyes defies the odds.

Singer and Thailand 700 Club co-host Debbie K talks about the new adventures in her life. Also, a woman survives being kidnapped and tortured for...

Denver Nuggets trainer Steve Hess shows you how to get fit like an NBA star. Also, a miracle boy cheats death, not once but multiple times.

The co-author of The Ten Things You Need to Eat talks about food that tastes good and is good for you. Also, see the powerful testimony of a man...

Brian Jones struggled to believe in the reality of hell until God opened his eyes, and Monica Brown knew her pursuit of homosexuality was wrong, but...

See how the Duggars' survive in a household of 19 children, and then story of Billy Rivers who rode the motorcycle gang lifestyle straight to prison...


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