Displaying 13905 - 13920 of 14296

Shawn Browns talks to NFL Super Bowl players about their faith. Also a word of knowledge heals a man suffering from TMJ.

Pat talks with George Thomas about Tiananmen Square Anniversary, and Missy Chase Lapine, author of “The Sneaky Chef to the Rescue”, demonstrates how...

Ailie experienced sudden debilitating migraines that kept her incapacitated until God chose to heal her.

As a widow, Stella’s first impulse was to keep every penny she earned. But, inspired by a friend, she tried a new approach.

Got picky eaters? The Sneaky Chef gives recipes that will have your kids eating healthier without even knowing it.

Is plastic surgery okay for Christians? Is taking medications a lack of faith? What is the difference between dizziness and vertigo? Are bananas good...

On today's show we have an interview with Dave Ramsey, who knows how to succeed with money and marriage. Also there is a story about a former...

Phil Stacey was an American Idol finalist in Season 6. He will discuss how his faith has impacted his life and career. CBN News recently spoke to...

Gary and Saundra spent most of their life on the mission field but dreamed of owning their own home.

“I thought I was gonna be some kingpin drug dealer. I did one line of cocaine and got hooked.”

CBN News sat down with money expert Dave Ramsey to talk about how to keep a marriage together in this economy.

It took prison to bring this bank robber to his knees. Mike submitted to Christ when he had nowhere else to go.

A Haitian widow with four kids and a baby on the way is treated with her son at an Operation Blessing medical clinic.

The American Idol star shares this testimony and how God led him to a worldwide stage.

After the devastation of a massive earthquake, the Israeli Army assists aiding Haiti victims.

This newly engaged couple was excited about their life together, but they never imagined that their love would be put to the test.


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