Displaying 145 - 160 of 14002

Growing up without a father's love, a man struggles to find his place in life. Until one day, he encounters the affection he's been yearning for.

Richard was a major drug dealer and then a warlock; it was God who revealed Himself as the source of fulfillment.

A pregnant woman, despite being diagnosed with terminal cancer, refuses to accept the doctors' prognosis, and continues to fight for her life.

TPi talks to men who are navigating the complex emotions of grief, offering valuable guidance and support on coping strategies.

CBN recently launched a new encouragement video series in the Dutch language.

A man faces an excruciating choice and decides to turn his son over to bounty hunters. See how the situation becomes a life-saving event on today’s...

A man turns his back on a life of darkness when God reveals Himself as the one true source of fulfillment. Plus, CBN News sits down with former...

After being slammed by a truck and not expected to survive, a young woman beats the odds and inspires the world. See the captivating account of...

A woman receives a shocking report from the doctor and is told she has a year left to live. Her shock turns to anger as she struggles to survive, but...

A child given up at birth uncovers his family’s secret. Witness the shocking truth about his mother and witness their joyful reunion on today’s 700...

TOM – I’m reaching out in desperation for help to make some sense of why the restoration of my wife’s health never manifested. She passed away in...

Ben Schultz, an Alaska firefighter, freefalls 95 feet down a ladder during a training exercise, causing the most severe brain injury, and effectively...

Lo que comenzaron como protestas Pro-Palestinos en las universidades se convirtieron en disturbios con mensajes de odio antisemitas. Les presentamos...

Steventhen Holland receives an answer that had burdened his heart for most of his life.

Melissa was enjoying a meal with her family when life as they knew it changed in an instant.

More than empowering women to become their true selves in God, Lindsay Roberts, equips women with the tools to overcome, lead, and protect themselves...


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