Displaying 33 - 48 of 13812

Author Jennie Allen encourages readers to press into our feelings and understand that God wants us to be honest about our emotions. Plus, meet the...

Raped by her father, Alicia used alcohol and drugs to cope until she realized she was harming herself.

Por primera vez en la historia, Irán, el gran enemigo de Israel, decidió lanzar un ataque directo contra la nación Judía. Líderes de todo el mundo...

Haley's obsession with weight led to a deep depression, until a friend showed her how God saw her.

A massive stroke on Easter Sunday lands Stephen Anderson in the hospital, unconscious, with little hope for recovery. For six weeks, his wife, Kathy...

On today’s Newsmakers, a Fox News host drops by, a real-life revival, and inside the life battle.

This author of eight #1 New York Times bestsellers discusses his career and his orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

On one of your programs you had a testimony of a woman who claimed a healing from Gordon. Is it possible for several people to claim the same...

Using the backdrop of her upbringing, columnist and broadcaster, Carrie Sheffield, joins The 700 Club to equip people with the tools and strategies...

By God’s grace I am a Christian, and sometimes I enjoy talking to God. However upon reading the scriptures, I discovered I was doing it wrong. We...

Singer and Songwriter of Motown’s Legendary R...

After being tormented by witchcraft, Kara and her family move to Texas, where she is introduced to God's love. 

CBN recently held a fundraising walkathon in Hong Kong, the first time CBN has put on such a large social gathering in Hong Kong since the covid-19...

A woman’s push for physical perfection backfires and her identity is rocked. See what happens when her body breaks down and why she is now stronger...

A journalist takes us inside her turbulent childhood where she was raised by a self-proclaimed “modern-day Mormon prophet.” See how Carrie Sheffield...

Best-selling author Mitch Albom discusses his real-life and fictional adventures. Plus, a child trained in the dark arts experiences a love that sets...


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