Displaying 97 - 112 of 13827

On this week’s episode of Faith vs. Culture, Dan Andros, Billy Hallowell and Tré Goins-Phillips reflect on the significance of Christ’s crucifixion...

Operation Blessing donors provided the most fundamental thing for this single family living in Peru; a safe place to call home.

CBN has launched a new media program "Light for the Nation" in Bahasa Indonesia to inspire Christian families. 

Who are some of the modern-day prophets that you follow and would recommend?

Seconds before her car burst into flames, Brittany Gilchrist and her two daughters were rescued from the wreckage by motorists on the scene. Through...

Bonnie took a nasty fall on her bike. While doctors stitched the wound up, she had issues concentrating. Watch what completely healed her!

A paraglider loses control and flies directly into power lines. After 100,000 volts of electricity followed by a 50-foot fall, see how one man...

Discover what one junkie heard after taking his final breath and what brought him back. Plus the latest headlines from CBN News on today’s 700 Club.

Dr. Josh Axe reveals a mind shift breakthrough that just may cure what ails you. Plus, a woman falls off her bike and crashes on her head. For months...

A blackout drunk is unable to hide his addiction. As the clock ticks on choosing the bottle over his family, see what brings sobriety and...

A praying wife becomes the lifeline for a man who suffers a severe heart attack. Plus, see how the Savannah Bananas are making baseball fun across...

A six-year marriage on icy waters and one prayer request radically changes Liliana and Shane’s marriage.

The popular writer and now producer, Karen Kingsbury, has a knack for writing about real-life events, with the idea of spreading hope that God is...

My husband and I were attending local church for the past year. We felt it was a good fit for us, so we took the membership class. In the class, we...

A modern day miracle and a few real-life heroes pulled Brittany out of her car seconds before the car was engulfed in flames. 

JAMES - Hi Gordon. I have a question about Easter. In 2024, it is being celebrated on March 31st. Passover, meanwhile, won’t be celebrated until...


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