Displaying 10801 - 10816 of 13870

I deal with a company who deals in porn and I am going to boycott them. Do boycotts actually work? Is it possible for a Christian to be possessed? Is...

Drug and alcohol addiction cost Alea almost everything, but God didn't give up on her. Plus, Pastor Anne Gimenez discusses the upcoming 'America for...

Drug and alcohol addiction cost Alea almost everything, but God didn't give up on her.

South Dakota Sen. John Thune recently decided to shun a presidential run in order to make a greater impact in the Senate. In an exclusive interview...

James and Susan found themselves with an empty nest and an empty bank account. Then a bold move brought them a successful business and income to...

Pastor Gimenez returns to The 700 Club to discuss the upcoming 'America for Jesus 2012.'

Dr. Condoleezza Rice shares how a stable family and faith in Christ took her all the way to the White House.

Kristi Watts visits with Former U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to discuss her new book, No Higher Honor.

He's passionate about education and committed to his students. Meet Dr. Campo, President of Regent University.

Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, joins us to discuss his father's most recent book, Nearing Home.

Scott Ross sits down with the D.C. lobbyist to discuss how his Christian upbringing became his political foundation.

The president of the international moving company shares the secrets of his business success.

He is a legend among college football coaches. However, for Bobby Bowden, all the glory belongs to God.

Author Paul Coughlin joins us to discuss effective strategies to combat bullying. Plus, Charlotte Ryun was born at only 23 weeks as her parents...

Author Paul Coughlin joins us to discuss effective strategies in teaching your children how to react to bullying.

The Ryun's were terrified when their baby was born at only 23 weeks, but they trusted God and baby Charlotte made a miraculous recovery.


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