Displaying 10865 - 10880 of 13886

Viewers of The 700 Club Asia in the Philippines are text messaging prayers by the thousands.

I am a Christian but had a relationship which turned sexual, now he won't even talk to me. How do I let go and ask God for forgiveness? What does the...

Lideres Mexicanos se lanzaron a las calles a clamar a Dios por paz y estabilidad, la iglesia Colombiana expresa preocupación por los programas...

What is the unpardonable sin? Is it okay for a Christian to sell tobacco and alcohol in their job? I hear that Jesus spent 3 days in hell after the...

Andrew Palau was a rebellious 'preacher's kid' who experienced a life transformation after surviving a plane crash. Plus, sex, drugs, and rock n'...

Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll summed up the life of musician Bobby Hayden, but it soon turned into addiction, despair and hopelessness.

Andrew Palau was a rebellious 'preacher's kid' who experienced a life transformation after surviving a plane crash.

Jennifer Maggio knew her life could not get any worse financially. That’s when she heard a sermon and made a tough decision that changed her life...

I tithe on my gross income, should I tithe on my tax return? What are some practical things that we can do to guard our marriage? Is there anything...

This former American Idol finalist and author talks about overcoming the challenges of his visual impairment and his new book, 'By Faith, Not By...

When he gave to charity, Larry got a business idea in home health care that changed his financial situation.

Pat, how many kids do you have? Kristi, is there some secret concoction you take that gives you such joy? You are such a blessing! Pat do you ever...

Pastor William and Michelle will share how their marriage survived after William had an inappropriate relationship. Plus, Kristi Watts interviews The...

Kristi interviews Pat, Gordon, and Terry about little known facts of their respective personal lives.

William Branch had an inappropriate relationship with one of his church members. His wife Michelle explains how they were able to salvage their...

En esta edición especial de Pascua presentamos El Jesús Judio: El creció en un lugar remoto del mundo, dos mil años más tarde- más de dos millones de...


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