Displaying 11249 - 11264 of 13859

He's been on The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Late, Late Show, and Jimmy Kimmel Live. Now, standy-up comedian Michael Jr shares why his comedy...

CBN News Reporter Chuck Holton, a former Army Ranger, recently went on a mission to find out if SEAL training was as tough as many say it is.

Should I disclose that I was "fired" on a job application? How can we discover God's perfect will for our lives?

OB helps small a businessman restock his inventory and trains him to better manage the sales of his plastic bag business in Honduras.

Terry Caffey survived a murder plot that was orchestrated by his daughter and Ron Deal shares wisdom on how to be a smart stepdad.

Tony and Ali Iorio put their trust on the line and God answered! He’ll answer you too.

What happens when a couple of stay at home moms set their sights on politics? You get the birth of the Tea Party.

Tomasa shares her story of heartbreak living in an abusive marriage and Paula didn't realize that the sting she felt was actually a deadly spider...

Gary and Sharon held down three jobs between the tow of them, yet they still struggled to make ends meet until a 700 Club teaching helped turn things...

My husband had an on-line affair, we have reconciled but how can I forgive him? I had to place my mother in a home because of dementia, how can I...

Abby Rike tells her story of coping with the grief of losing her husband and children in a car accident and the story of Raymond, who dropped out...

When he was laid off from his job, Randy didn’t know how he would provide for his family. He tried a simple solution he heard about on TV and had...

Australia is becoming a popular destination for Muslims leaving Asia and the Middle East. The country's Christians are using the a opportunity to win...

Dr. Paula Murph felt the sting, but thought it was from the fire ants she had seen nearby. She didn't seek the immediate medical help required for...

My daughter has been assigned witchcraft in her college World Religion class, should she drop this class? What do you think of donating our body to...

Family therapist and author Rod Deal says stepdads must choose to be a hero in the family God has given them. He shares wisdom on how to do that.


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