Displaying 11953 - 11968 of 13837

The 700 Club looks back on 49 years of broadcasting.

The newly appointed president talks about his plans for the university.

Shawn Brown reports from San Francisco on the World Series 2010 between the San Francisco Giants and the Texas Rangers.

See a special feature on the Battle of Constantine. Meet the new president of Regent University. Also, a report on the World Series.

Will forgiveness always stop the hurt? Does God love some more than others?

Fitness expert Chris Freytag talks about her two-week total body turnaround. A boy survives a near fatal fall. Also, CBN News reports on home...

A couple's marriage is full of abuse. September 11th brings together a young Muslim and a U.S. reporter. Also, see a miracle child.

It only takes two weeks to turn your body around. Fitness expert Chris Freytag shows you how.

Francis Trane recalls, 'I heard him screaming to call 911. I remember being hysterical, screaming, My son fell out a window!'

What is core training? Can yawning be a sign of medical problems? What are the reasons to get a second opinion?

A home-wrecker and a drunk comes to grips with her sins. Also, musician Ronnie Milsap's faith helped him accept his blindness.

The evangelist talks about his new tour and the need for Christians to take The Great Commission to heart.

What scriptures could I use to influence my children? How should I pursue marriage? What does "God's power in our weakness" mean?

Her spending was out of control until she learned how to handle her money using biblical principles.

Why is it so hard to get a small business loan? Should I stay home and raise my kids or get into the work force?

Operation Blessing gave medical supplies and a water filtration jug to a refugee camp in Sukkur for victims of the Pakistan floods.


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