Displaying 12433 - 12448 of 13857

He had girlfriends but also had male lovers until the day came when he couldn't lead a double life any more.

Musician Daniel Bashta finds a new way to worship God. In this episode, he talks with Gordon and Terry via webcam to discuss his newfound passion.

A young man goes from the thug life to a higher calling. Also, Gordon and Terry pray for a woman who needed a total body makeover.

International Filipino pop star Gary V. updates us on his ministry and singing career.

Gary V. sings from his new album, Rebirth. Also, see a testimony about a man who cried out to God to be delivered from homosexuality.

What safeguards should we use when playing Wii? Can blood pressure meds cause a dry cough? What can low vitamin D cause?

Cristianos de Nicaragua y Guatemala ponen su confianza en Dios para las elecciones. Conozca porque este hombre que tenia exito en los negocios, se...

When the Owen's company began to take off, they made the mistake of falling behind on tithing.

Condoleezza Rice says her time in Washington wasn't easy. But her inspirational journey to politics was rooted in faith.

Kristi Watts gives the former Secretary of State a light-hearted lightning round of interview questions.

El conocido evangelista hermano Pablo cumplió 90 años de vida. Además, la Iglesia en El Salvador ayuda a afectados por las lluvias. Antiguo...

Pastor Caballero fue designado Canciller de Guatemala, veteranos heridos de EEUU aprenden a escalar montañas y vencer sus incapacidades. Una pareja...

Patricia Waldren grew up in a home filled with domestic violence. She vowed never to be like her father, but her first drink at age 13 changed...

Patricia Waldren grew up in a home filled with domestic violence. She vowed never to be like her father, but her first drink at age 13 changed...

Pat Robertson shares the joys of the season by reading the Christmas story from the Bible and celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Founders Inn...

Should we pray for our souls ? If you treat someone wrong, should we tell them or just ask God for forgiveness? How do I pray for a job? What was...


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