Displaying 49 - 64 of 9470

Dana’s parents were in despair, struggling with guilt and hopelessness. They had no possible way to pay for their son’s surgery. But when friends...

The drought in northern Kenya is so great it killed Khoboso’s livestock, leaving her family with nothing to sell, trade, or eat. Will someone rescue...

Linda and Tommy didn’t know how they would manage after an EF-2 tornado ripped through their home, leaving debris everywhere. To even begin the...

Runze’s future was bleak. Born without a right pulmonary artery and an underdeveloped left artery, he tired easily and was frequently ill. Without...

Stacie decided to take God’s challenge found in Malachi 3. She saw her humble hobby of crafting candles turn into a flourishing holiday gift market...

The pain of her child’s umbilical hernia loomed like an ominous shadow, threatening to shatter Ana’s world. As the hernia grew, so did Ana’s fears,...

Alina and her family had to flee their home as terrorists attacked their community. She was shaking on the inside but needed to stay strong so her...

Abandoned by her parents, Srey Ni went to live with a grandmother who was too busy to care for her. She then found love in a most unusual way—and the...

When they decided to follow Jesus, Adama and her children were kicked out of their house to fend for themselves. Barely surviving, they went days...

Dane, a former Marine with a lung condition, is a great neighbor who helps anyone whenever he can. When a tornado destroyed his community, Dane tried...

Sangam wanted to join in childhood play, but his club foot and the taunting of others kept him isolated and in pain. His family couldn’t afford to...

Imagine that the water in the well outside your home makes your children sick. And what if the river, which is 30 minutes away, makes them even...

“Monster” is how Mingrui pictured his heart disease. Expensive surgery was beyond his family’s reach, and doctors told them he might not survive past...

Josh and his wife, Leslie, revolutionized their family business by following key biblical principles. Discover the power of faith-driven...

Despite setbacks like job loss, divorce, and financial struggles, Esteban not only overcame adversity and $25,000 of debt, but he also experienced...

Navy, a single mom of three, battled against overwhelming odds to provide for her family after her husband abandoned her. See the transformative...


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