Displaying 17 - 32 of 35

Pat Robertson interviews the author of "What's So Great About Christianity?" to find out how Christians can respond to "atheism on the offensive."

Ben Stein joins Pat Robertson to talk about his documentary "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed."

The war between Darwin and design is the basis of the new movie 'Expelled,' which releases in theatres today.

Scientist, Old Earth Creationist and author Fuzz Rana.

Pat Robertson interviews evangelist and author Ray Comfort about how Christians can use logic to point Darwin followers to God.

Scientist and author Hugh Ross shares what the difference is between Intelligent Design and RTB's creation model.

Scientist and author Hugh Ross shares how to evaluate creation models.

Author Hugh Ross shares how the book of Job provides information on the relationship between humans and animals.

Author Hugh Ross shares how the book of Job provides information on the relationship between humans and animals, and Scott Hayes grew up a...

Scientist and author Hugh Ross discusses the question, Is Genesis 1 the only creation account in the Bible?

Scientist and author Hugh Ross discusses how the bible is the foundation for the scientific method.

Scientist and author Hugh Ross shares who he is.

Scientist and author Hugh Ross shares the different scientific perspectives on creation.

Scientist and author Hugh Ross shares what biblical faith is to him.

Scientist and author Fazale Rana shares his role at Reasons to Believe.

Scientist and author Fazale Rana shares the mission of Reasons to Believe


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