Displaying 1 - 16 of 2856

ELIZABETH – Is it a sin to sign a “Do Not Resuscitate” form? DAVID – In John 21:11, what is the significance of Jesus mentioning the number 153,...

CYNTHIA - Can a man get married again if his wife left him for another man?

KAREN - The church I attend has stopped sharing communion any longer. I’m now considering attending another church. Are churches starting to do this...

GANIZANI – Is it true it that Jesus will come again, or we should we focus on the words of Paul: “This world without end?” THEODORE – What is the...

HELEN - I know there are no marriages in Heaven. When we see loved ones in heaven, will our spouse know that they were once married to us? Also, I...

Tammy - Do you believe in “Once saved always saved?” Jesus says He will never leave or forsake us. MICHELLE - Psalm 15 verse 5 says, “He who does not...

CLAY - How do I know when scripture is for the people of Jesus' time and when scripture can be applied to you and me now, i.e., healing and miracles...

PAM - When Paul prayed to "remove the thorn from his flesh" was he asking for physical healing?

MARGARET - Ephesians 1:18, what does this mean, "…the hope of his calling?" BRYAN - How can someone so lost as myself hear the Lord speak to me? I...

TERRI - I have a bad knee and have been in a lot of pain for more than a year. Recently, I had someone pray, and I felt the pain leave. I believed...

MARGARET - Ephesians 1:18, what does this mean, "…the hope of his calling?"

TERRI - I have a bad knee and have been in a lot of pain for more than a year. Recently, I had someone pray, and I felt the pain leave. I believed...

TRICIA - I thought a few days ago on The 700 Club question/answer part of the program, Gordon mentioned that a person did not have to tithe on social...

Ryan - My wife is divorcing me. What does this mean for me if I were to want to remarry one day?

MAY - Gordon, what are your thoughts on the Iran missile attack? I hear some people saying it’s World War III, but I can’t see the major superpowers...

KATHLEEN - Hi, I have a question from my 84-year-old mom who is concerned that being cremated is against God’s plan. Is this true? Please let me know...


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