Displaying 33 - 48 of 64

The impeachment of Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States. With the debate ahead of the full house vote ringing through the halls of...

Blue wave or blue media hype? Democrats on a roll. FISA report...

Frank and Shannon were $15,000 in debt living paycheck to paycheck. With no answer in site, they learned the importance of one financial strategy...

When Joe and Stacy had their first child, Stacy stayed home, so finances got tighter. But there was one expense they wouldn’t give up that paid...

Keri didn’t understand why she was always behind on her bills—until some important advice taught her to maximize her money’s full potential. See what...

Low wages and high credit card debt made Monica feel as though her future had been stolen. Then she learned a few key principles that changed the way...

Corey found out early that life is much better and finances much easier when you live under the favor of God. See how his finances have been blessed...

Living and working in New York City might sound exciting, but when jobs don’t come, bills don’t get paid. Kristin wanted to act and teach but instead...

Leo’s business startup didn’t have the makings of success. All it brought him was $60,000 of debt and bills that couldn’t be paid. After he and his...

When more money is going out than is coming in, some people trust in credit cards for survival. Matt and Cassie learned this mistake the hard way....

Most people know the importance of a household budget, but many people have the wrong thing at the top of that budget. Find out what Liesl and Rod...

Julian and Roz had nearly $40,000 of debt. Determined to conquer their finances, they applied proven money techniques to their lives that cleared...

Marco and Rebecca became depressed and embarrassed when they couldn’t pay their bills. Borrowing money kept them afloat but did not solve their...

Lance and Brittany couldn’t quite agree on getting their financial house in order. See what ended the chaos and brought peace and prosperity to...

South Dakota Sen. John Thune recently decided to shun a presidential run in order to make a greater impact in the Senate. In an exclusive interview...

Lance and Brittany couldn’t quite agree on getting their financial house in order. See what ended the chaos and brought peace and prosperity to their...


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