Displaying 609 - 624 of 631

A rash of church fires in Texas have authorities searching for arson suspects. Ten churches in East Texas have been burned since the New Year.

A Chinese student living in America is fearful for her parents after authorities in China arrested her parents and destroyed their church.

Pastors John and Carol Arnott return to The 700 Club to discuss their ministry and the power of God that is changing lives.

Helping Haiti’s smallest survivors of the earthquake is becoming the country’s biggest problem.

Haiti’s Church leaders believe the country will be reborn from the devastation of the earthquake.

Producers hope the new Christian film "The Grace Card" will help bring light to racial problems that still exist today and how God's Word can help in...

Sarah Palin goes one-on-one with CBN News on Obama, her new book, and the faith that carried her through.

Sarah Palin goes one-on-one with CBN News’s David Brody on Obama, her new book, and the faith that carried her through.

A Christian woman in the United Kingdom became the target of a hate crimes investigation. Her offense? Writing a letter to her City Council objecting...

This Sunday Christians around the globe will unite to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Chinese authorities are cracking down on Christians on the 60th anniversary of the Communist revolution.

Chinese authorities are cracking down on Christians on the 60th anniversary of the Communist revolution.

Chinese authorities are cracking down on Christians on the 60th anniversary of the Communist revolution.

A Florida judge has granted the 17-year-old Christian girl fleeing her Muslim family a temporary reprieve. The case is headed to court unless the...

A Florida court ruled that the 17-year Christian girl who fled her Muslim family doesn't have to return immediately. CWN learned more about Rifqa...

You may think that the negative effects of aging are inevitable. But the truth is, it’s up to you how you age.


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