Displaying 97 - 112 of 144

Jentezen Franklin found the keys to living out God-given dreams. He has a passion for all to stay true to their dreams.

Vu Tran was raised to worship his ancestors and succeed in life with smooth alibis to cover his crimes. He fooled the police, but not himself. His...

William Wilberforce is to Britain as Abraham Lincoln is to America - a pillar in politics.

My daughter is married to an emotionally abusive and controlling man. How can I help her?

I have lost 12 pounds already but can't seem to lose more. How do I rev up my metabolism and lose pounds? Pat Robertson answers this question and...

At CBN's seven-days-ablaze chapel service, Pat talks about overcoming fear during these economically unstable times.

Forty-seven years ago, Pat Robertson began broadcasting from a UHF station in Portsmouth, Virginia, answering God's call to get the Gospel on the...

Dr. Sears explains how the toxic fat cycle has caused our obesity epidemic and how you can reverse the condition for optimal health.

Sheila shares her journey of learning to pray. She is ready to turn everything women think they know about prayer upside down. Author, Get Off Your...

Victoria performed on Saturday Night Live for six years. She shares her testimony.

What are the pros and cons of fixed and adjustable rate mortgages? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Cindy Jacobs heard a word from the Lord that Satan wants to cause another Black Tuesday. She says God's people need to pray and fast for the world...

Is the economy here in the U.S. still fundamentally strong? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Tony Arunta robbed for drugs in Rome, Italy. He was delivered from drugs after his sister and her husband had him talk to a pastor and he gave his...

Heather Burczynski discusses how and why she changed her lifestyle and lost 130 pounds. She was featured in USA Today.

Trish Ryan wanted Cinderella's story to be her life's story, but it was far from it. She began reading truth from the Bible and a different story...


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