Displaying 689 - 704 of 778

As seen on Christian World News on Friday, August 27, the top headlines include – Trapped Chilean Miners Survive on Faith; Zimbabwe: Building a...

On this week's Christian World News: How groups are helping natural disaster victims in Pakistan and Niger, two UK Christians lose their right to be...

On this week's Christian World News: Christian workers killed in Afghanistan remembered for their dedication, shocking suicide numbers in South Korea...

On this week's Christian World News: The abortion debate now in Kenya, Christians facing harsh treatment in Iran and Iraq, spiritual revival in...

On this week's Christian World News: Indonesia's Christian oasis giving life to the country, China's entrepreneurs owners mixing faith and business,...

On this week's Christian World News: How Arabs and Jews are worshipping together, UK churches possibly required to support same-sex unions, Lou Engle...

On this week's Christian World News: A World Cup attack and the missionaries injured, pastors taking on drug cartels terrorizing Mexico, Central...

On this week's Christian World News: Desperate refugees risk their life to free North Korea, Christian hotel owners being sued by a gay couple, one...

On this week's Christian World News: One woman's stance against her country's corrupt government, UK students unclear on their Christian roots,...

Watch the Friday, November 13 edition of Christian World News with Wendy Griffith. Top Stories - Should the U.S. Pressure China to Guarantee...

Watch the Dec. 30 edition of Christian World News with George Thomas and Wendy Griffith. This week’s show features -- Russian Evangelicals Leery of...

On Friday's Christian World News: Christians Leaving Bethlehem as Christmas Visitors Come; Handel's 'Messiah' Inspires Listeners, Transcends Time,...

Watch a special edition of Christian World News with George Thomas and Wendy Griffith for a three-part series on the treasures of Israel with CBN...

On this week’s Christian World News, Bad news for Christians in Egypt, Africa’s kids sing for the Lord, fighting poverty with small businesses, and...

On this week's Christian World News, the worldwide fight against AIDS, Hope International's fight to end poverty, a university hoping to unite the...

On this week's Christian World News: The 'son of Hamas' faces deportation, one woman's journey since China's crackdown in Tiananmen Square, a revival...


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