Displaying 97 - 112 of 268

What is the role of religion in government and should there be separation of Church and State?

When was the last time you memorized scripture? Well, professor and Bible memorization expert Tom Meyer doesn’t just memorize portions of scripture,...

With supply chain shortages, rising gas prices, and a global food shortage on the horizon, how should Christians respond to scarcity? Where is the...

Pastor Samuel Rodriguez joins the Faithwire team to discuss what is really needed to end the gun epidemic in America.

Faithwire’s Billy Hallowell and Tré Goins-Phillips sit down with NBA star Jonathan Isaac to discuss his new book, “Why I Stand,” and the challenges...

What are some common abortion myths about and what does the Bible have to say about the value of life in the womb?

Billy Hallowell and Tré Goins-Phillips sit down with Charlotte Pence Bond, daughter of former Vice President Mike Pence, to discuss maintaining a...

Dan and Billy sit down with United States Senate Chaplain Rev. Barry Black to discuss his new book, as well as the blessings and challenges that come...

Astrology, Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards... are these mystical practices harmless or deadly? Faithwire's Dan Andros, Billy Hallowell, and Tré Goins-...

Ex-Porn Star turned Pastor Josh Broome joins Dan and Billy to discuss how the Church should respond to a culture that increasingly normalizes sexual...

On this week’s episode of Faith vs. Culture, Dan, Billy and Tré reflect on the significance of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

CEO and Founder of Answers in Genesis joins Dan and Billy to discuss the battle for truth in a culture that increasingly rejects scripture.

The number of young people who identify as LGBTQ has risen dramatically over the past several years. What is the best way to love those people and...

Dan and Billy are joined by Author, Pastor, and Professor Dr. Sean McDowell to discuss the importance of listening to and loving non-believers.

Dan, Billy, and guest, Pastor Mike Signorelli, take a look at some of the things Christians are consuming that could be a danger to their Christian...

Can you be a Christian without a Christian worldview? A shocking new study from Barna suggests that Christian parents aren’t teaching their children...


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