Displaying 273 - 278 of 278

Healthy Living - February 12, 2019 Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the best-seller 'Grain Brain' describes how to boost memory, mood and even prevent...

Healthy Living - February 5, 2019  Dr. Bennet Omalu discusses the devastating consequences of repeated hits to the head from football, military...

Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Michael Roizen explains why eating at certain times of day can either help or hinder your weight loss.

Danielle Walker shows how to make healthy versions of our favorite comfort foods from her book 'Eat What You Love."

Christian psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen, author of 'Feel Better Fast and Make It Last" describes how to turn around negative emotions and achieve...

Natural doctor Josh Axe lists the many health benefits of essential oils and discusses the best way to lose weight and heal your gut.


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