Displaying 145 - 159 of 159

Nearly half of them sacrifice going to school to work full-time. They are, in essence, children who are being robbed of their future.

Missionary Sam Childer's is saving kids from a brutal terrorist group

Some 800,000 children pass through the U.S. foster care system each year, but Christians are stepping up to do something about it.

Dr. Dolgoff makes good nutrition easy for you and your kids with this simple eating plan.

This piece gives an overview of the next SuperBook episode and previews the "Creation" episode to come.

Kristi Watts, her son Chase along with Dr. Susan show how to get fit in between television watching.

As childhood obesity rises, this author has a plan to get your kids moving and keeping off the weight.

Father works as bicycle taxi driver, very poor-can't feed kids or send to school. OB helps with small business and a cow.

It’s a new look for an old classic. This is CBN’s Superbook!

Pat Robertson answers viewer questions on children attending adult parties and christians getting involved with politics.

Author Paul Coughlin talks with Kristi Watts as well as bully victim Nicole Martin and her father about what to do when your child is terrorized at...

We often hear about deadbeat dads. Author Gabriel Pelino shines the light on a few dads who are making a difference in their kids’ lives.

What psychologists now realize is that these jam-packed schedules can silence play. This lack of play is stunting emotional, behavioral and even...

From dinosaurs to DNA to carbon dating, kids of faith have questions these days. They're struggling to put together what their schools teach about...

A new survey shows three out of four high school graduates aren't ready for college even though they've taken the recommended classes. The problem...


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