Displaying 97 - 112 of 508

Two experienced fishermen head out to sea, missing a coast guard warning of severe weather. Ninety miles out, the unthinkable happens and both are...

Two days prior to enduring a heart attack, Lamar Erdman was outside in the cold elements, hunting. Watch how God’s plans placed Lamar in the hands...

Jeff Ratanapool was enjoying a game of basketball when he suffered a heart attack that typically kills 9 out of 10 patients. See the swift actions...

A swift decline in Christa Grant’s cognitive health became life-threatening when her family discovered she could not perform basic functions. Rushed...

How Do You Pray For a Miracle?

How Do You Have Faith in Hard Times?

Can I Ask God For a Miracle?

A gang member finds a new life in an unexpected place.

Does Prayer Really Do Anything?

For Janelle Wofford, suffering a heart attack gave her unbelievable peace and joy because she died and went to heaven for over two minutes. See why...

Pastor Dr. Matthew Stevenson releases a worship album to help lift people’s spirits during turbulent times.

A man is shot in the head at close range and lives.

The new, powerful Sino-Russian alliance that is challenging the USA; Pillar of fire at night. Heavenly help for Ukraine? The brave 6-year-old who...

From drug addicts to hope dealers. Rich and Shay Walters of West Virginia were completely set free from addiction to drugs and now share the gospel...

Featured on TPi 25 years ago: A man miraculously healed of cancer shares an update.


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