Displaying 129 - 144 of 148

Chuck Holton reports from across the Atlantic on how Africa medical missions are heading off radicalism.

Watch this week's WorldWatch episode. Top Stories: Militant Hindus Plant Deadly Bomb in Church; OB Reaches Out to Brazil Flood Victims, Earthquake in...

Something extraordinary happened when you joined hands with a village to rebuild 55 homes destroyed by an earthquake.

She was left in the woods to die, but when an "angel" took her in, she needed another miracle.

Vijay once worshipped a Hindu god, but gave his life to Christ after a friend told him about Jesus. He learned more about Jesus through CBN's "Happy...

Amelia's worked 3 jobs and still her baby was starving. That's when your love – changed everything.

Whether they're delivering New Testaments or transporting missionaries, airplanes have been crucial in the work of spreading the Gospel.

Missionaries speak out against “Missionary Tourism” of short term missions.

Missionaries speak out against “Missionary Tourism” of short term missions.

The nation's economic crisis is hitting faith based charities from both sides as the demand for help skyrockets.

Somali refugees have resettled in America to escape the chaos of their homeland. But the transition isn't going smoothly in one town.

Will Decker and Tim Scott of the missions adventure reality series "Travel the Road" talk about their TV show and their next trip.

Pinedale Church in Winston-Salem, N.C., is dedicated to giving all its members a taste of the missions experience.

Gary and Saundra spent most of their life on the mission field but dreamed of owning their own home. Through an amazing series of events, they were...

Pat Robertson remembers his friend D.G.S. Dhinakaran, who died February 20, 2008.

The evangelist who started Washington for Jesus and founded Rock Church International, one of the largest Charismatic churches in America, is...


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