Displaying 65 - 80 of 488

Safe in God’s Hands

Racist USA? Former slave wants BLM to examine Africa; New battle for those who served in Afghanistan; Rising anti-Semitism threatens Jewish college...

Mariah reminds Alex that we can admire celebrities, but we cannot follow them blindly.

Joel, Alitheia, Miriam, Lawrence and Josh have an at home dance party to a new mash up with some of our favorite dance moves from past music videos.

Josie and Kaitlin use music as a way to explain the mystery of the trinity.

Just millions of the $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill are going to help with the Pandemic. The CDC announced guidelines about what fully vaccinated...

President Trump wants congress to redo its COVID Relief Bill, Washington is bracing for major changes at the White House, Israelis are heading to a...

Studio 5’s Efrem Graham talks new holiday movies and music.

Hey friends! Join Jessica and Maksim Datsko in singing Psalm 67 (NASB). Connect with us on social media @cbnlifechangers.

The Shema is a prayer gifted to the children of Israel at the foot of Mt. Sinai. It has been prayed by Jews all over the world twice a day, every day...

Alex and Mia answer the question is beauty Christian?

Joel and Morgan talk about how worship is not limited to singing in church.

Josh and Miriam share emails and videos from our fans all around the world.


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