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Prayer Link - May 30, 2023

May is Mental Health Awareness month. It’s an issue that affects many – including those in ministry. Seventy-five percent of pastors work between...

Jemimah Wright is Deputy Director of Woman Alive – A UK Christian Magazine. She’s also the author of three missionary biographies and has just...

Evangelist Franklin Graham talks about the “God Loves You” Tour, Samaritan’s Purse, and the importance of prayer.

Author Karen Moore talks about her latest book Prayers to Strengthen Your Soul. Plus, see thousands of people come together to worship at the...

Pastor Craig Cooney of the Daily Prophetic Blog shares what God’s been showing him about shakings in 2023 and how the church must prepare. Plus...

Charlene Aaron shares 5 key elements for authoritative prayer and how to implement it in your life. Plus, see how a former drug dealer turned his...

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference shares thoughts from his new book “Your Mess, God’s Miracle,” and the...

Wendy Griffith shares about Hope California where the message of Jesus was shared across the Golden state. Plus God Behind Bars CEO Jake Bodine...

Pastor Craig Cooney of the Daily Prophetic Blog shares what God’s been showing him about shakings in 2023 and how the church must prepare. Plus...

Revival events are spreading across the country. Now a major movement is planned for California with 10 stadium events across the region on April 1st...

Evangelist Nick Hall of Pulse Ministries discusses the growing revival movement happening at universities and other locations across the country....

Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits on such sites as The Hill, Townhall,...

Prayer Link - February 27, 2023

Prayer Link - February 21, 2023

Prayer Link - February 14, 2023


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