Christian Living

LivingtheLife 08/06/08

Welcome to My Life

My oldest daughter Bayley, appears to be following in my high-heeled footsteps. She is a true shoe fanatic! I could not be more proud. She has been trying every pair of shoes in my closet; some of them are absolute break-neck height. She prances around my room with great pride, if little grace. She then lets my unsuspecting husband know that “my shirt keeps slipping down in the front and shows my pimples.” There is a blue streak behind him as he quickly retreats to his “happy place” -- the garage.

My middle daughter, Sydney, manages extraordinary feats in the bathroom. She comes out and triumphantly shouts “come and look at what I just did! You’ve GOT to see this! Daddy, can you take a picture?” I can’t help but notice the expression of pride on daddy’s face as he (unbelievably) gets up and retrieves the camera! Yes folks, this is my life. :sigh: I am sure in the future the boys will be lining up.

My son Charles, affectionately known as Chuck-a-saur-us, is in constant motion around the battened-down living room. Well, it was once was a living room and now has succumbed to being a playroom. I notice an “odd” smell coming from his diaper. OK, it’s almost bath time so I’ll just clean him up and let him have a little ‘commando’ time. It’s supposedly good for them to ‘air out the undercarriage’ from time to time and reduce diaper rash. Whoever suggested this obviously hasn’t tried it on one of their children. Mine becomes a fire hydrant of urine and decides that the couch needs a good wash of his making. Terrific! This is why there is nothing nice in this house. What is the point??

Finally, everyone is in bed. It is my happy time. I do a little reading and relaxing and begin to drift off. I am quickly wakened not long into my precious, much-needed slumber, to be clubbed by one of my husband’s enormous paws as he rolls over and gives me a good dose of his night-time mouth-breathing chorus. You know what they say: I’ll sleep when I’m dead! Then I drift off once more happily counting all of the blessings that surround me, all tucked in safe and sound. God is good.

~ Nicole

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