Christian Living

ScottRoss 07/23/08

Skepticism, Frustration, and Nerves

Hello, Guys,

This is a survey; brace yourself.

Someone took me to task the other day about my personal conduct, and rather than get defensive, (that’s an improvement for me) I talked it over with my wife Nedra, (who lays claim to being my personal p.r. director, in that she tries to explain me to others.) In response to the criticism I had received Nedra told me I needed an “attitude adjustment.”

The last time I’m gonna ask for her input on anything!

The Apostle Paul advises believers to 'live wisely among those who are not Christians' and to 'let your conversation be gracious and effective' (Colossians 4:5-6). However, a couple of recent surveys seem to reflect that folks are getting another kind of message. Indeed, 44 percent agree with the statement "Christians get on my nerves." (As a matter of fact, there are a number of people who read these communiqués who do not claim to be Christian, or are nominally so, or as someone said they are “lapsed Christians” and would agree with that sentiment in regard to their nerves.)

You can read these surveys and see what kind of response you have, and if you are a Christian, honestly ask yourself, What kind of message do you think you are sending out? After all, you may be the only letter many will read.

Simply, when you get right down to it, the basic thing that God wants is a people. It began in Genesis with Adam & Eve in the garden and ends up with the Lord among His people in the book of Revelation.

It's all based on relationships: The Father, Son, Holy Spirit relationship, in turn with His people who constitute His family the church, the bonds of which are held together in His love.

It will take us the rest of our lives to work out the Lord Jesus' two commandments, one vertical, and the other horizontal.

That's what He's working toward. Everything else is peripheral.

That's it. The beginning… The end… Eternal.

Always interested in your response to these missives.


Scott Ross

 A New Generation Expresses its Skepticism and Frustration with Christianity


Survey: Non-attendees find faith outside church


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