Christian Living

TheMorningFive 10/08/08

Bill Murray's Confession

I usually try to avoid celebrity gossip-type stories, but in light of all marriage/divorce discussion going on stemming from the success of the movie Fireproof, I thought that this interview from CNN with Bill Murray was really transparent about the topic.

Murray—who is doing press for his latest film City of Ember—spoke candidly about his high-profile divorce and the toll it has taken on his life. Murray’s wife of 11 years filed for divorce in May, claiming that the actor was abusive and was constantly under the influence of alcohol and pot.

Murray talks very openly about how painful his divorce has been. Here are some quotes from the story: "I was just dead, just broken” … "That was devastating," Murray said. "That was the worst thing that ever happened to me in my entire life."

When marriages break-up, it’s always heartbreaking. But to hear a guy who is known as such a light-hearted comedian talk so frankly about that heartbreak, it kind of affirms the reality of divorce.

It takes a lot of courage to talk openly about such a painful personal issue, and I respect him for being able to express what he went through. And beyond all the buzz, I think that’s why a movie like Fireproof has been so successful. Even if people initially have differing thoughts about faith and salvation, the value of marriage and the pain of divorce are universal issues that people deal with everyday—from blue-collar Americans (like the fireman in the film) or even Hollywood actors.

This isn’t meant to be a promotional write-up for Fireproof. But of obviously people are connecting with the struggle of marriage presented in that film—and more than just the conflict, the hope that every relationship can be saved. At the end of the day, a movie is not going to instantly save a marriage, but if you’re struggling, there are resources out there that can help, and for some people, this movie is really meeting them where they are at. Ultimately though, never discount the power of prayer and the importance of knowing when to ask for help. As cliché as it might sound, there’s something deeply encouraging to knowing that it’s never to late for God to save a relationship.

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