Christian Living

WhiteHouseWrap 07/08/10

The Arizona Immigration Lawsuit

Tuesday, the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit challenging the state of Arizona's new immigration law, saying it interferes with federal immigration laws.  The lawsuit names the state as well as Republican Governor Jan Brewer.

Attorney General Eric Holder said, "Arizonans are understandably frustrated with illegal immigration, and the federal government has a responsibility to comprehensively address those concerns... But diverting federal resources away from dangerous aliens such as terrorism suspects and aliens with criminal records will impact the entire country's safety."

He warned against a "patchwork of state laws,"  a theme that was repeated yesterday by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, "The President believes we have to have comprehensive immigration reform...  you constitutionally cannot have a 50-state patchwork of immigration laws.  The only way we're going to solve that is through comprehensive immigration reform."

The lawsuit lit a firestorm of responses.

From Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, "It is wrong that our own federal government is suing the people of Arizona
for helping to enforce federal immigration law. As a direct result of failed and inconsistent federal enforcement, Arizona is under attack from violent Mexican drug and immigrant smuggling cartels. Now, Arizona is under attack in federal court from President Obama and his Department of Justice. Today's filing is nothing more than a massive waste of taxpayer funds."
And from 20 Republican members of the House, "Not only does this lawsuit reveal the Obama administration’s contempt for immigration laws and the people of Arizona... it reveals contempt for the majority of the American people who support Arizona’s efforts to reduce human smuggling, drug trafficking and illegal immigration.”

The law was to take effect in just a couple of weeks.   This legal challenge could delay that.  It seems like the immigration issue just keeps heating up!
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