Christian Living

WhiteHouseWrap 11/17/10

Wonder if they've heard of Evite?

I find myself wondering today if the White House should just send an e-vite to members of the GOP leadership for this bipartisan meeting they can't seem to get their schedules to line up for.

The White House was all "gung-ho" on the meeting. They released that they would be meeting on Nov. 18, the day after the midterm elections, I think, right? (fact check me on that)

Then yesterday, it was all oh, the meeting has been rescheduled because of schedule conflicts. Then Politico reported both Boehner and McConnell claimed the White House threw that date out without making sure that it would even work with their schedules.

And today, Harry Reid is tweeting, "With millions of ppl looking 4 work, there's no time 2 waste. My GOP colleagues should have accepted the President's offer 2 meet this week."

And White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is all, "We're flexible."

Really? I mean, really. E-vite is awesome, guys. You get a little e-mail in your in box, and you can quickly RSVP "yes" or "no." There's no confusion. Maybe they should try it!

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