Christian Living

africamatters 04/29/08

Darfur: What can I do?

 I've received quite a lot of feedback from my recent posts about Darfur.  E-mails range from encouraging to desperate to downright pessimistic.  Many ask, "what can I do to help other than pray?"

Here's a brief sampling of some of the e-mails I've gotten lately...

"It is easy to just sit back and gasp and do nothing, and say we'll just pray for you, while millions of tons of food cannot even be delivered to thousands of starving innocents because of the Sudanese government. God will ask us why we did nothing.

Our excuses of international diplomacy, or protocol or other such flimsy excuses pale in comparison to the urgency of people starving, being bombed, and having their homes burned."

Another reader says...

"People should never wonder why the Earth has gone to hell in many places - we let it get that way. Don't people believe in doing good things anymore? Don't they believe doing good and right will reward them in the long run anymore?"

Here's a good video I found on Youtube that echoes these reader's frustrations.  It was created for activities surrounding LAST YEAR'S Darfur Awareness week, but the bulk of this video is powerful.

Check out the latest news from various groups helping raise awareness and aid for Darfur:

Operation Blessing-Darfur Project               Save Darfur Coalition

Google Darfur                                                      World Vision

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