Christian Living

africamatters 06/12/08

Is Obama Good for Africa?

As the race for the Presidency in America narrows down and heats up, obviously more scrutiny will be paid to the presumptive candidates.

Many Americans will ask themselves...

How will electing Barack Obama or John McCain change my life?

What is best for me?

And hopefully, Americans will ask themselves, what is best for my country?

For the first time in a long while, it seems many Africans are beginning to ask the same questions about the American Presidential candidates.

I don't remember this much chatter by African news sources on the web four, eight or even twelve years ago when Americans went to the polls.

But this year seems to be different.

Obama is the son of a Kenyan and an American. In my travels throughout Africa, I have been amazed at the level of excitement about Obama. People who may not have even known the names of the candidates in previous elections are paying attention to this election because of Obama's Africa connection.

There's a very thorough opinion piece out of Johannesburg today. It's given me a lot of food for thought.

Check it out...

Would President Obama be Good for Africa?

While you're at it, click here to read a blog I did last year about "Obamamania" in Kenya.

Also, you can click here to read a blog assessing President Bush's contribution to Africa.

Are you African? I would love to get your input on who would be better for Africa: McCain or Obama. Do you have any anecdotes about how these candidates are being thought of in your country?

Drop me an e-mail with your insights.

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